Datacenters: Legacy vs. Modern
Traditional datacenter infrastructure can’t keep up with the speed of business today. Managing separate silos for compute, storage, virtualization, and networking is too slow and requires too much IT specialization. There’s a better way: Nutanix Enterprise Cloud is a modern, software-defined solution that natively integrates all IT resources to run any application while delivering true consumer-grade simplicity that makes infrastructure management effortless.

Cloud Foundation:
Service availability is a concern for most business hence the concern to move to cloud model operations. Nutanix enterprise cloud is founded on a highly distributed software architecture that delivers comprehensive resources abstraction and self-healing capabilities to ensure uptime for your applications even as you consolidate workloads on to your private cloud.
Single Console:
Across cloud you need to be able to monitor and manage applications, VM and other resources. Nutanix PRISM delivers One-Click monitoring, managing, automation and optimization of all your cloud environments. All this from a single pane of glass. PRISM leverages on advanced machine learning technology to automate common workflows and deliver actionable insight.
Private cloud should offer effortless scale when and where needed. Nutanix enterprise cloud leverage a flexible hyper converged design to deliver on demand linear scale that easily tracks performance demands and data growth while eliminating forklift upgrades and disruptive data migrations.
Choice and Flexibility:
Delivers IT as a service using popular cloud and orchestration offerings. Including those from Microsoft, VMware and OpenStack. Nutanix PRISM API’s and PowerShell toolkit enables easy integration with your cloud stack and hypervisor of choice.