Business data volumes continue to rise, making data security one of the most important consideration for a business in the wake of the many data breaches reported on in the news almost weekly.

However, with all the data security products on the market, it can be confusing to work out which one to consider.

Thankfully, there is one suite of data security solutions that stands above all others: IBM Guardium.

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IBM Guardium

Guardium leverages IBM’s dominance in technology innovation to offer the most comprehensive and intelligent data security solutions on the market.

Through Guardium, the entire data security lifecycle can be monitored and protected seamlessly and automatically – from data discovery and classification, data activity monitoring of suspicious behaviour based on risk to data assets, encryption and zero-trust based defensive enforcement actions such as blocking.

“Blocking connections to your most sensitive data assets can be set up rapidly and quite seamlessly, before you and your IT teams have even set foot in the office,” said Craig Botha, IBM Business Development Manager for Advanced Technologies at Axiz.

With businesses moving to hybrid cloud models, it is also important that your data security solutions functions seamlessly and cohesively across several cloud platforms, as well as any on-premise solutions you may have.

This is where Guardium Insights shines, as it offers centralized visibility to improve risk mitigation and reduction with rapid response and remediation – no matter the platform.

The IBM advantage

Guardium is able to offer its unrivalled data security capabilities thanks to IBM leading the innovation in almost every element of the data security journey.

“IBM invented RISC processors and the mainframe, and was a key player in the conception of several operating systems and databases,” said Botha.

“They’re involved everywhere – so there’s no better company to partner with in integrating your security into all areas of your business than IBM.”

“IBM has huge R&D centres which ensures they are continuously at the cutting edge of market trends, customer requirements, innovation, and much more,” said Botha.

This drive is plain to see when you consider that IBM has filed an unrivalled number of patents annually for nearly 30 consecutive years – showing that IBM continues to encourage and lead the industry in innovation.

How Axiz can help

With IBM Guardium offering such a broad suite of solutions, it can be intimidating for businesses to develop an implementation strategy.

This is where Axiz shines, as it has impressive knowledge of IBM solutions such as Guardium, as well as a fantastic relationship with the company’s top local experts.

“We can help you navigate the process, provide insight into how you should prepare for Guardium, and can even get the top IBM experts out to give you a demo,” said Botha.

“We’re focused on helping you get exactly what you need out of IBM Guardium.”

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